Imperium: Augustus

Imperium Augustus is a 2003 joint BritishItalian production, and part of the Imperium series. It tells of the life story of Octavian and how he became Augustus. Half the film takes place in the past as Augustus explains to his daughter Julia how he became who he was and the other half takes place in the later life of Augustus.

Augustus is on his death bed. He looks back on his life to a conversation he had with his beloved daughter, Julia. After an attempt on Augustus life, he is shocked to learn his closest friend and Julias husband Marcus Agrippa is dead. Livia suggests that for the safety of Rome, her stepdaughter Julia should marry her son Tiberius. Her reluctance to marry Tiberius causes Augustus to sit down and tell her the story of how he became the emperor of Rome.He recalls 46 BC Rome is in the middle of a civil war. Together with his friend Marcus Agrippa, the young Octavius Augustus goes to Spain in order to help Julius Caesar battle the troops of Pompey. Even though they are outnumbered they manage to defeat Pompey. Caesar honours his adopted son Octavius with a triumphal entry into Rome and then sends him to Macedonia together with Agrippa and the son of Caesars friend, Maecenas. There Octavian hears the news of Caesars assassination and he returns to Rome with his friends. ........

Source: Wikipedia